
Showing posts from August, 2017

Self Introduction and First Post

はじめまして、 ベッドーフォードです。趣味(しゅみ)はスポーツと読書(どくしょ)とすがくです。おちゃは大好きです。そして、猫が好きです。 どうぞよろしく。 Translation: [My name] is Bedford. My hobbies are sports, reading, and math. I love tea! Also, I like cats. Lets get to know each other! I’m Savannah Bedford, and I’m very excited to take this Japanese class! Unlike many of my classmates, I’ve had some background in the language but I really needed a reminder of some basic conventions before moving to the upper levels. Through this class, I want to cement speaking in conversation as a strength in my Japanese abilities. There’s so much about that I love about Japanese culture that I’m not sure where to start. The food is something that I absolutely love. I can’t get enough of らめん, もち, おやつぱん, あんこ, and pretty much anything まちゃ flavored. I also have quite a penchant for tea. I’m currently studying to be an engineer and I hope to use my Japanese skills to communicate with, or even work for companies in Japan. I’ve never travelled to Japan so I am hopin